Cake - Learn English for Free for PC

Cake - Learn English for Free for PC

Published by Cake Corp.

Learn real English from videos



Cake - Learn English for Free PC screenshot

About Cake - Learn English for Free For PC

Cake - Learn English for Free is an Android app developed and published by Cake Corp. at Google Play Store on Mar 22, 2018 for Android users. Cake - Learn English for Free is so popular that it has gained 60659757 installs so far and growing.

### Cake - Learn English for Free #### Step-by-step English Learning Learning a new language can be challenging, but with Cake - Learn English for Free, it becomes a fun and engaging journey. Cake offers an intuitive platform that makes the experience smooth and straightforward. You won’t need to spend countless hours to see progress; just a few minutes each day can yield significant results. The interface is user-friendly, allowing both children and adults to navigate easily and make substantial progress. #### Serve Up Your Language Skills One of the standout features of Cake is the ability to improve spoken English in a very effective manner. It provides various means, including audio clips and video lessons, which help learners practice pronunciation and vocabulary. These resources are not only educational but also entertaining, keeping you engaged and motivated. By listening to dialogues and interacting with the content, you’ll find your speaking skills improving dramatically. #### Not Just English, Dive into Korean, Too! Besides English, Cake also offers tools for learning Korean. Whether you're dreaming of becoming a K-Pop idol or simply want to understand your favorite dramas better, Cake has got you covered. The app provides lessons on how to read and write Korean letters, pronounce words properly, and even introduce yourself in Korean. #### Immersive Learning Experience What sets Cake apart from other language learning applications is its diverse and immersive approach. While many apps rely on outdated textbooks, Cake incorporates contemporary and relatable content. This includes dialogues from modern-day dramas and films, which make the learning process exciting and relevant. You won’t just memorize phrases; you’ll understand how to use them in real-world scenarios. #### Fun for All Ages Whether you're 13 or 30, Cake is designed to cater to a broad audience. It keeps things interesting and easy to understand, regardless of your age. Younger learners will appreciate the app’s ability to keep up with their attention spans, while adults will value the depth and practicality of the lessons offered. Your learning journey will be both productive and enjoyable. #### Practical and Polite A crucial aspect of Cake is its focus on practical usage of language. Unlike other apps, which may only teach formal and polite phrases, Cake covers a range of contexts. You can learn how to converse casually, as well as understanding the formalities required in different situations. This versatility ensures that you’re prepared for various interactions, from friendly chats to professional conversations. #### Consistent Progress Consistent and regular usage of Cake can lead to substantial improvements in a short time. Spending just a few minutes each day on the app can translate to notable advancements in your language abilities. The more you practice, the more confident and adept you’ll become. #### Easy to Use, Hard to Put Down Cake’s design is not only user-friendly but also engaging. The lessons are structured in a way that makes learning feel less like a chore and more like a fun activity. This aspect is particularly beneficial for those who have difficulty sticking to traditional methods of learning due to boredom or lack of interest. #### Interactive and Up-to-Date Content Finally, the format of learning through Cake is both interactive and current. The blend of listening, reading, and speaking exercises ensure that you aren’t just passively absorbing information. Instead, you are actively engaging with the content, leading to better retention and application of the language skills you acquire. The content is ever-relevant, keeping you connected to modern language usage and trends. In conclusion, Cake - Learn English for Free is an excellent tool for anyone looking to enhance their language skills in a fun, effective, and engaging way.

Can I run Cake - Learn English for Free on PC?

Yes, you can run Cake - Learn English for Free on PC, but first, you will need emulator software installed on your Windows or MAC, which you can download for free. In the below video, you will find Cake - Learn English for Free in action. Before you install the emulator, check out the minimum and recommended system requirements to run it seamlessly. They may change depending on which version of the emulator you choose. Therefore, we recommend you download the latest version of the emulator. Below you will find three free Android emulators that we have shortlisted based on their popularity:

How to Install Cake - Learn English for Free for PC


  • OS: Microsoft Windows 7 and above.
  • Processor: Intel or AMD Processor.
  • RAM: Your PC must have at least 4GB of RAM. (Note that having 4GB or more disk space is not a substitute for RAM)
  • Storage: 5GB Free Disk Space.
  • You must be an Administrator on your PC.
  • OS: Microsoft Windows 10
  • Processor: Intel or AMD Multi-Core Processor with Single Thread benchmark score > 1000.
  • Graphics: Intel/Nvidia/ATI, Onboard or Discrete controller with benchmark score >= 750.
  • Please ensure Virtualization is enabled on your PC/Laptop.
  • RAM: 8GB or higher
  • Storage: SSD (or Fusion/Hybrid Drives)
  • Internet: Broadband connection to access games, accounts and related content.

Up to date graphics drivers from Microsoft or the chipset vendor.

  • To start with, download Bluestacks from its official website. The latest version of BluesStacks is v 5, and it is around 400 MB.
  • Once the download is done, click on the Bluestacks set up file to install it on your Windows PC. Follow the on-screen instructions and install it accordingly.
  • The next step is to launch the emulator using the desktop shortcut and sign in using your Google account.
  • Now, head over to Bluestacks home screen and click on the Google Play Store icon.
  • Hit the search bar in Google Play and search for Cake - Learn English for Free.
  • Install Cake - Learn English for Free from the Play Store by clicking the Install option, which completes downloading of Cake - Learn English for Free on PC.


  • Operating System: Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, and DirectX 9.0c
  • Processor: At least dual-core processor, both Intel, and AMD are OK
  • Video: Supports Open GL 2.0 or above
  • Memory: 1.5 GB RAM
  • Operating System: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10
  • Processor: Multiple core processors which support VT-x or AMB-V Virtualization Technology, better performance with this function enabled
  • Video: The higher performance, the better
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM

Storage: 1 GB available under installation path, 1.5GB available hard drive space

Internet: Broadband Internet connection

  • Download NoxPlayer from the official website. The latest version of NoxPlayer is v 3, and it is around 600 MB.
  • Now install the emulator using the downloaded setup file. Just go through the on-screen instructions and install NoxPlayer on your computer or laptop.
  • After the installation process, launch the Nox Android emulator and log in using your Google account when it asks you.
  • Click on the Google Play Store icon and head over to the search bar to search Cake - Learn English for Free. Once found, click on the Install button to install Cake - Learn English for Free for PC.
  • If you do not find Cake - Learn English for Free on Google Play Store or if you want to skip logging in to Google, you can sideload APK (download the .APK file from this page and open it with NoxPlayer).
  • Launch Cake - Learn English for Free from home-screen and start playing it on PC right away!


  • 2 cores x86/x86_64 Processor (Intel or AMD CPU)
  • WinXP SP3 / Win7 / Win8 / Win10 (Not recommended to run on Server/Enterprise)
  • Latest Windows DirectX 11 / Graphics driver with OpenGL 2.0
  • Hardware Virtualization Technology (Intel VT-x/AMD-V) shall be enabled in BIOS
  • 2GB of RAM (4GB for x64 system)
  • 5GB of hard disk free space
  • OS: Microsoft Windows 10 with VT Enabled
  • CPU: Single Thread PassMark score > 1500 (Intel/AMD Multi-Core).
  • Graphics: Intel/Nvidia/ATI, Onboard or Discrete controller with PassMark score > 750.
  • Latest Windows DirectX 11 / Graphics driver with OpenGL 4.5 or higher
  • RAM: 8GB or higher
  • HDD: SSD, 10GB of hard disk free space
  • Internet: Broadband connection with low latency for FPS games
  • Download MEmu Play from the official website. The latest version of NoxPlayer is v 7.5.
  • When the download is completed, install the MEmu emulator on your PC. Follow the on-screen instructions and keep on clicking the Next button until the final step.
  • Now, using the desktop shortcut, look for the MEmu Play emulator and launch it. Once done, it will ask you to log in using your Google account, proceed with the same.
  • MEmu Play will ask you to log in using your Google account. When you log in, it will sync your Google account to MEmu Play. Launch the Google Play Store by clicking on the icon and search for Cake - Learn English for Free.
  • Click on the Install button once you find Cake - Learn English for Free from the search results. You can also sideload APK (download the .APK file from this page and open it with MEmu) if you want to skip above step.
  • After the installation of Cake - Learn English for Free, you're all set to use the app on PC!

Regardless of which Android emulator you install, the steps to install, configure, and running the Cake - Learn English for Free app on PC are the same.
